S le dissertation abstracts

Unfortunately, keeping a social network informed about a patient’s health status and needs takes effort, making it difficult for people who are sick and exhausted from illness.   In the first aim, I developed a patient identifier and a HIV/AIDS treatment and care ontology to represent the types of data and information created and used by clinicians. This case study approach was then used to evaluate the utility and transferability of the protocol to other laboratory information management issues.  This research demonstrates that a novel approach using a synthetic error generation system to create training datasets for a conditional Gaussian Bayesian network produces an autoverification system superior to ones trained using standard methods and superior to laboratory experts. In order to apply this approach to the field of biosimulation, existing models must be cast as interoperable components. SPANISH GOLDEN AGE DRAMA: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF UNITED STATES DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS, 1899-1992; WITH A SUPPLEMENT OF NON-UNITED STATES DISSERTATIONS.

s le dissertation abstracts

  However, using clinical data collected for one purpose does not render it usable for secondary purposes. Supporting Collaborative Clinical Trial Protocol Writing through an Annotation Design. (LIBRA/Z/5055/F78)
continued by:
INVENTAIRE DES THHSES DE DOCTORAT SOUTENUES DEVANT LES UNIVERSITIS FRANGAISES. Members of a patient’s social network are often eager to help, but can be unsure of what to do; they must balance their desire to help with trying not to bother a sick friend. I will discuss the three phases of my dissertation work including the results of focus groups seeking to understand the attitudes and preferences towards a multifunctional wellness tool, the usability issues of a popular, commercially available wellness tool, and the reactions and feedback of older adults to scenarios and storyboards showing design ideas generated after the first two phases.   Access to full-text theses is available for all items published between January 1, 1998 to August 31, 2002.

Für Mobiltelefone optimiert · Dissertation – definition of dissertation by The. GUIDE TO THE AVAILABILITY OF THESES. Palfrey, Thomas Rossman and Henry E. Nous voyons qu’ici le domaine de discussion est celui de la littérature engagée. 2– Applied Sciences and Technology; Vol.

 This research demonstrates that a novel approach using a synthetic error generation system to create training datasets for a conditional Gaussian Bayesian network produces an autoverification system superior to ones trained using standard methods and superior to laboratory experts. This could have serious effects on local public health practice.  
The application of BioMiner also contributes to the expansion of domain knowledge by accurately identifying functions for proteins of unknown function, a problem of utmost importance to biology. To aid the exchange synthetic biological designs among software tools I explain the software libraries which support the implementation of SBOL. The flood of information and data will have the greatest public health impact if understood and organized within the framework of public health practitioners’ data and information needs.

Although health informatics support has the potential to help patients overcome this challenge by facilitating patient expertise sharing, we lack the knowledge necessary to meet this potential.   The second study is a qualitative inquiry into the barriers and facilitators to secondary use of clinical data experienced by researchers at the University of Washington, Group Health Research Institute and the Veterans Affairs’ Northwest Center for Outcomes Research in Older Adults. This demonstration establishes SemGen’s capabilities for automating the modular composition and decomposition of biosimulation models across physical scales and physical domains. Philadelphia: Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, 1984. We also present the design of the structure of a mapping between the anatomical models of two different species, and its application to information about specific structures in humans, mice, and rats.

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Every 25 seconds someone in the US has cardiac event and one person per minute will die from it. Finally, we carried out a preliminary validation of the application and its content by means of user questionnaires, software testing, and other feedback. Chicago: American Library Association, 1940. This dissertation contributes foundational knowledge about what patient expertise is and how patients share this valuable resource.

These IISs are of particular interest because of their near ubiquity in the Unites States, their importance for public health practice, and their most basic function of providing cross-organizational access to immunization-related clinical data for both public and private health care providers. Promoting widespread availability and provider adoption of electronic medical records is a core component of current efforts to reform healthcare in the United States. The emergence of these new technologies has created opportunities for health related uses. The following guide is useful for the first two categories. China
Schulman, Frank Joseph.


La dissertation, baccalauréat de français. Of Birmingham, 2000 Passions in Perspective An Analytical Discussion of the. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA THESES AND DISSERTATIONS
The University Libraries maintain a comprehensive collection of all extant University of Pennsylvania dissertations and theses. In my thesis, I proposed the following specific aims: (1) To conduct formative research to assess culturally-specific behavioral messages to be included in the computer-based system; (2) To develop and test an interactive computer-based system using cell phones both to enhance adherence to ART and to deliver HIV transmission risk reduction messages; and (3) To evaluate the impact of the system on ART adherence. Data intensive biomedical research is increasingly integrative; knowledge gained from a spectrum of disciplines and tools is generated, collected and applied to aid in the analysis and description of biological phenomena. Finally, we carried out a preliminary validation of the application and its content by means of user questionnaires, software testing, and other feedback.

Dissertations and theses from European institutions can be obtained through the Inter-library Loan Department but can take up to nine months to be received. The database represents the work of authors from over 1,000 graduate schools and universities.   This thesis examines the capacity of graph-theoretical methods to integrate and analyze genomic information and thus facilitate using prior knowledge to create a more discrete and functionally-relevant feature space. Institutional subscribers to ProQuest Digital Dissertations receive on-line access to the complete file of dissertations in digital format starting with titles published from 1997 forward.   Although numerous technologies exist for comparing gene sequences and grouping similar genes, the genomics field lacks structured methods for describing the complicated evolutionary dynamics that give rise to the differences between the compared species.

The contributions of this work are 1) exploring CPPs and their effect on patient outcomes and 2) the novel combination of sequential and temporal association rule mining in EMR data. Care providers have voiced dissatisfaction with the existing code blue documentation form. They are also used as evidence is input into the system to help identify a pattern, called a circular line of evidence support, that is indicative of fallacious reasoning by evidence-base curators.   To more efficiently engineer gene circuits synthetic biologists need software tools that support standardized data exchange. As a proof-of-concept demonstration of modular modeling, I used SemGen to perform a set of model composition and decomposition tasks using models of hemodynamics, neural signaling, molecular diffusion, and chemical pathway kinetics. Le chapitre I sera ainsi consacre au survol historique des etudes.

Penn receives part one only

The future work of statistical geneticists, molecular biologists, and physician-scientists with interests in genetics or genomics must thus take genetics into consideration.   It’s free to search the database. CPP compliance with performance measures decreases mortality and bleeding risk, but there is evidence of complex interactions between measures that augments or masks the effect. They are also used as evidence is input into the system to help identify a pattern, called a circular line of evidence support, that is indicative of fallacious reasoning by evidence-base curators. Abstract:

The increasing adoption of electronic medical records is producing a massive accumulation of routinely collected electronic clinical data (ECD). A very important feature included in each issue is a table indicating the availability of theses from libraries and purchasing instructions as well.

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